Press Start
Helping new gamers to start their gaming journey
Adobe and Activision partnered together to make the Adobe + Activision Creative Jam. It is a 3-day hackathon that gathers colleges across Canada, USA, and England to compete.
Creating a mobile app for new gamers that recommend games based on their skills and time available
UX Designer
Our approach...
User Definition
Final Product
User Definition
The first phase of the process was to discover more in-depth information about the users of our product. We have a scenario, but we're free to choose our end user. The group had a mix of both gamers and non-gamers, and as a result, we used our own experience to design a persona based on it.
2. Iteration
We created a flowchart to organize the number of screens and each screen's function.
Style tile
We designed the style tile based around the color purple since it is a welcoming color and attracts people to use the app.

We also created a mini mood board based on our inspirations.
In order to unite the style guide with the flowchart we created, we created wireframes, eventually we started to apply the style guide once we settled with a good design.
3. Final Product
Onboarding: The onboarding collects the information to help the app find the best match. The goal is to discover what the game needs to have and what the user wants to achieve.

Game Suggestion:
A gallery of game profiles where the user can navigate through to explore different games and choose from them. The recommendations come from the results of the onboarding. If users desire to see more options, they can change them on the settings.

Personalized Profile:
Users can personalize their profile to display favourite games or what they are playing to their friends. It also allows mutual users to message each other.
4. The future
One of the feedbacks were regarding improving the onboarding. For future improvements we should make the onboarding more direct and work more on how it impacts the overall experience.
"What I like is how you showcase the games, the game devs love big panels showing the game art"
feedback from one of the judges
Bruno Akune
UX Researcher/Designer